公開日 2022年01月01日
更新日 2022年03月05日
Introduction of multi-language translation service
Hakodate Fire Department has been operating a multi-language translation service since its introduction on April 1,2018.
Purpose of the Introduction of the Service
Due to the increase in the number of foreign residents and travelers in Japan,providing sick or injured foreigners with proper security and safety during emergencies has been one of the most foremost concerns in the country.To address this issue,Hakodate Fire and Emergency Department started multi-language translation service to ensure immediate and correct response to emergency calls made by foreigners.Through this service,communication and information from the call would be more detailed and relaying first aid instructions to the caller would be easier.
How the Translation Service Works
1 A telephone dispatcher who receives the 119 call (or an EMT or a firefighter at the spot), 2 the person making the emergency call, and 3 an interpreter at the multi-language call center,all three talk over the telephone at the same time so that they can have a more accurate grasp of the event.
Available Languages
24 hours a day, 365 days a year available (21 languages)
English,Chinese,Korean,Portuguese,Spanish,Thai,Russian,Vietnamese, Indonesian,Tagalog, Nepali, German, French, Italian, Malay, Myanmar, Khmer,Mongolian,Sinhala,Hindi,Bengali.
Note when in use
After dialing 119,it may sometimes take more than ten seconds before a dispatcher answers your call.Plese wait on the line.
Other information
We have a fee-charging service called "Help Desk", whereby an interpreter is dispatched to a hospital or a hotel where the foreign resident or tourist is.
Plese click here for more information.
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