


City of Hakodate Outline [函館市の概要]

公開日 2016年09月03日

更新日 2021年12月14日


Located at the southern tip of Hokkaido, Hakodate with a relatively temperate climate and bountiful nature has continued to develop as a center of administration, economy and culture of southern Hokkaido. Opened as Japan's first port of international trade, Hakodate has experienced contact with various foreign cultures. The influence is evident in the city streets and the Western Area today. These cityscapes and the night view from the top of Mt. Hakodate, as well as fresh seafood and hot spas are part of the attractions that bring more than 5 million visitors annually to Hakodate.

Hakodate amalgamated with surrounding 4 municipalities in December of 2004 and became one of the nation's leading marine cities. In May 2005. The regular international flight service between Hakodate and Taipei was inaugurated in September 2012.



1454 Masamichi Kono builds a residence in Usukeshi.Hakodate named after the formed of the building; ‘hako’ for box, ‘date’ for house.

1793 Laxman, a Russian envoy, arrives in Hakodate in the Ekaterina.

1799 Kahei Takadaya opens the Etorofu Route.Fishing grounds developed by him the following year.

1802 Ezo Magistrate’s Office established in February.Renamed Hakodate Magistrate’s Office in May the same year.

1854 Japan–US Treaty of Peace and Amity concluded between Shogunate and Commodore Mathew Perry.A fleet of five US ships enters Hakodate to survey the bay.

1855 The port of Hakodate opened for provision to foreign ships.

1858 Treaty of Commerce and Amity concluded with US, Netherlands, Russia,UK and France.

1859 Hakodate,Yokohama and Nagasaki designated as free ports.Hakodate port fully opened on June 2 (July 1 by new calendar)

1864 Construction of Goryokaku completed.

1869 Goryokaku surrendered to the army of the new Meiji government Ezo renamed Hokkaido.

1922 The city administration established.

1935 July 1 designated as the Ocean Day.The first Hakodate Port Festival held on the day to celebrate the 77th anniversary of the port pening “Hidari-domoe (swirl)" designated as the city emblem.

1939 Merges with Yunokawa town.

1966 Merges with Zenigamezawa village.

1972 "Ship of Hakodate citizen" 50th Anniversary municipal organization enforcement visit Nakhodka and Khabarovsk two cities.

1973 Merges with Kameda city.

1982 Sister-City affiliation concluded with Halifax (Canada)

1983 Holy Resurrection Cathedral of Hakodate Orthodox Church designated as an important cultural property.

1988 Seikan Tunnel opens followed by the closing of the 80-year history f Seikan Ferry.

1989 Seikan Twin-City agreement concluded with Aomori Hakodate declares International City of Tourism.

1992 Sister-City affiliations concluded with Vladivostok (Russia) and ake Macquarie (Australia)

1994 Far Eastern State University Hakodate Branch opened.

1997 International Star-Shaped Citadel Cities Summit held in Hakodate ister-City affiliation concluded with Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

2001 Friendship-city affiliation concluded with Tianjin (PRC)

2003 Designated as Marine Frontier Science Technology Research Zone.Hakodate Office of Consulate-General of Russian Federation in Sapporo opens.Hakodate International Trading Incorporation HAFEXX established.

2004 Merges with Toi, Esan, Todohokke and Minamikayabe towns.

2005 Regular international container route between Hakodate and Busang (South Korea) started.

2011 Sister-City affiliation concluded with Goyang (South Korea)

2012  Regular air service between Hakodate and Taipei opened.


Data (Climate & Population)

Hakodate is located in the south-east of Oshima Peninsula and situated at longitude 140°44′ East and latitude 41°46′ North. The total area is 677.87 square kilo meters. It spreads to the north with Mt. Hakodate (344m elev.) at its base. Aomori is situated on the coast across the Tsugaru Channel. Being surrounded by three seas and influenced by Tsushima Current, Hakodate with its maritime climate enjoys comparatively mild climate with less snowfall than other parts of Hokkaido.



Average Temperature ℃(℉)

  • Jan. -2.6℃(27.3℉)
  • Feb. -2.1℃(28.2℉)
  • Mar. 1.4℃(34.5℉)
  • Apr. 7.2℃(45℉)
  • May. 11.9℃(53.4℉)
  • Jun. 15.8℃(60.4℉)
  • Jul. 19.7℃(67.5℉)
  • Aug. 22.0℃(71.6℉)
  • Sep. 18.3℃(64.9℉)
  • Oct. 12.2℃(54℉)
  • Nov. 5.7℃(42.3℉)
  • Dec. 0.0℃(48.4℉)
  • Yearly 9.1℃(48.4℉)

Average High Temperature ℃(℉)

  • Jan. 0.7℃(33.3℉)
  • Feb. 1.5℃(34.7℉)
  • Mar. 5.3℃(41.5℉)
  • Apr. 11.8℃(53.2℉)
  • May. 16.5℃(61.7℉)
  • Jun. 19.9℃(67.8℉)
  • Jul. 23.4℃(74.1℉)
  • Aug. 25.8℃(78.4℉)
  • Sep. 22.7℃(72.9℉)
  • Oct. 16.8℃(62.2℉)
  • Nov. 9.7℃(49.5℉)
  • Dec. 3.3℃(37.9℉)
  • Yearly 13.12℃(55.6℉)

Average Low Temperature ℃(℉)

  • Jan. -6.2℃(20.8℉)
  • Feb. -5.9℃(21.4℉)
  • Mar. -2.6℃(27.3℉)
  • Apr. 2.6℃(36.7℉)
  • May. 7.5℃(45.5℉)
  • Jun. 12.1℃(16.6℉)
  • Jul. 16.6℃(61.9℉)
  • Aug. 18.7℃(65.7℉)
  • Sep. 14.1℃(57.4℉)
  • Oct. 7.4℃(45.3℉)
  • Nov. 1.4℃(34.5℉)
  • Dec. -3.5℃(25.7℉)
  • Yearly 5.18℃(41.33℉)

Rainfall mm(inch)

  • Jan. 77.2mm(3.039inch)
  • Feb. 59.3mm(2.335inch)
  • Mar. 59.3mm(2.335inch)
  • Apr. 70.1mm(2.76inch)
  • May. 83.6mm(3.291inch)
  • Jun. 72.9mm(2.87inch)
  • Jul. 130.3mm(5.13inch)
  • Aug. 153.8mm(6.055inch)
  • Sep. 152.5mm(6.004inch)
  • Oct. 100.0mm(3.937inch)
  • Nov. 108.2mm(4.26inch)
  • Dec. 84.7mm(3.335inch)
  • Yearly 1,151.9(45.351inch)

Snowfall cm(inch)

  • Jan. 118cm(46.5inch)
  • Feb. 90cm(35.4inch)
  • Mar. 53cm(20.9inch)
  • Apr. 4cm(1.6inch)
  • May. 0cm(0inch)
  • Jun. 0cm(0inch)
  • Jul. 0cm(0inch)
  • Aug. 0cm(0inch)
  • Sep. 0cm(0inch)
  • Oct. 0cm(0inch)
  • Nov. 27cm(10.6inch)
  • Dec. 86cm(33.9inch)
  • Yearly 378cm(148.9inch)

Relative Humidity %

  • Jan. 73%
  • Feb. 71%
  • Mar. 68%
  • Apr. 67%
  • May. 73%
  • Jun. 79%
  • Jul. 82%
  • Aug. 81%
  • Sep. 76%
  • Oct. 72%
  • Nov. 71%
  • Dec. 72%
  • Yearly 74%

Average Wind Speed ㎧

  • Jan. 3.9㎧
  • Feb. 3.9㎧
  • Mar. 4.2㎧
  • Apr. 4.0㎧
  • May. 3.7㎧
  • Jun. 3.3㎧
  • Jul. 2.9㎧
  • Aug. 3.1㎧
  • Sep. 3.5㎧
  • Oct. 3.5㎧
  • Nov. 4.0㎧
  • Dec. 3.9㎧
  • Yearly 3.7㎧

※Averages for 1981-2010 (Japan Meteorological Agency)



238,435(as of April 2024)


City Hall Access


City Hall Hours 8:45~17:30(Closed on Sat, Sun, National Holidays and Dec. 29~Jan.3)



International & Intercity Affairs Section, Hakodate City Hall

Address  4-13 Shinonome-cho  〒040-8666

TEL 0138-21-3619  

FAX 0138-23-7604




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