公開日 2020年07月02日
更新日 2021年12月14日
Emergency Numbers
- Police Department TEL 110
- Fire Department (Fire, Ambulance, Emergency Service) TEL 119
- Hakodate Night Emergency Center TEL 0138-30-1199(23-1 Goryokaku-cho)
Traffic Accident
Call 110. You can use the mobile phone.
Call 110 or report to the nearby police box. If you’ve lost your credit card or bank book to theft, call your credit card company or bank immediately.
Shout "Fire!" for help if you cause or find a fire. Call 119 even if the fire is minor. 119 is a number to call fire engines. You can use the mobile phone.
Introduction of multi-language translation service in dialing 119
Sudden Illness or Injury (for Ambulance)
Call 119 for ambulance as in the case of a fire.
Introduction of multi-language translation service in dialing 119
Online Hazard Map Hakodate
In "Online Hazard Map Hakodate," You can confirm the information such as Tsunami, Flood, Landslide on an electronic map.
Japan is subject to frequent earthquakes. No panic.
- Be Prepared for earthquakes~Protect yourself from large e arthquakes~ (Link to “Institute of Scientific Approaches for Fire & Disaster" HP)
Provides instructions on what to do at the time of earthquake in Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese and Portuguese.
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